
3RPMS implements relay-style connections for pagination. For detailed information see the GraphQL Cursor Connections Specification .

GraphQL allows you to fetch only the fields you need, with no unnecessary overhead. This helps keep network responses small and fast.

However, GraphQL doesn’t automatically guarantee small responses. This is especially apparent when a field contains a list. To avoid enormous response from a seemingly small query, lists, containing unbounded maximum amount of items, use pagination:

query RoomStays($cursor: String = null) {
    reservations(first:10 after:$cursor) {
        edges {
            node {
                # reservation fields
        pageInfo {

Here, when no $cursor is provided, only the first 10 reservations are returned. To retrieve the next 10 reservations, the same query can be sent with $cursor set to value from endCursor field; and so on for the next 10 reservations. When there are no more results, hasNextPage will be set to false.

While the example uses reservations, it works the same for all connections.

The response to the previous example would look like this:

  "data": {
    "reservations": {
      "edges": [
        {"node": {...}},
        {"node": {...}},
        ... 8 more results       
      "pageInfo": {
        "hasNextPage": true,
        "endCursor": "bWFkZSB5b3UgbG9vaw=="

Best practice

Load only as many records you need. If you’re using only the first result, then specify first:1; or any other value depending on how you use the result set.


Cursors are opaque strings, and must be passed back to the server as-is. Cursors should be stored only long enough to query the next page, and should not be stored long-term. Cursors may be different for each query depending on provided arguments or other scenarios.


When no cursor arguments are provided, by default first:20 will be used, that is, only the first 20 items will be returned.

Unless otherwise specified on the field, maximum number of items a connection can return is 100.

Backward pagination

In addition to previously described forward pagination, 3RPMS also supports backwards pagination using last and before arguments, and startCursor and hasPreviousPage fields.

query RoomStays($cursor: String = null) {
    reservations(last:10 before:$cursor) {
        edges {
            node {
                # reservation fields
        pageInfo {

Here the last 10 reservations are returned. Similarly to before, to retrieve the previous 10 reservations, same query can be sent with $cursor set to value from $startCursor. When there are no previous reservations, hasPreviousPage will be false


Types prefixed with * are conventions and do not represent actual implementations. can think of them like virtual-interfaces. Use graphql introspection to see the real type implementations.



Argument Type Description
first Int Maximum number of items to return
after String takes the cursor type as described before
last Int Maximum number of items to return
after String takes the cursor type as described before

Forward pagination uses first and after fields. Backward pagination uses last and before fields. While both pagination types can be used together, its strongly discouraged, as it leads to difficult to understand results.


Field Type Description
edges [*Edge!] List of edges, containing edge-cursor and node
pageInfo PageInfo! Contains information about current page. Can be used to determine if more pages can be queried
totalCount Int! Total number of items in the connection, i.e., ignoring pagination


Field Type Description
cursor String! Cursor representing edge’s location in the connection
node *Node! Items the connection wraps

Your integration likely is not going to need cursor field. startCursor and endCursor fields from PageInfo type should be used instead in most scenarios


Field Type Description
startCursor String Cursor corresponding to the first node in edges
endCursor String Cursor corresponding to the last node in edges
hasNextPage Boolean! Indicate whether more edges exist after last edge
hasPreviousPage Boolean! Indicate whether more edges exist prior to the first edge